4 Things To Know Before Buying A CES Therapy Device – StimTens Worldwide, LLC

4 Things To Know Before Buying A CES Therapy Device

CES therapy devices or cranial electrotherapy devices are becoming more and more popular as a drug-free means to treat insomnia, mood, anxiety, stress and many other conditions.

These CES stimulators can be a considerable investment for some. The typical range for these devices starts at about $300 and may exceed $1500 or greater. So, it only makes sense to cover your bases before buying one of these devices. You may find a CES THERAPY DEVICE COMPARISON TABLE HERE. Here are five things you should look for or ask yourself before purchasing a CES therapy device:

1. Is the ces therapy device FDA cleared?

This is, of course, very important. The main CES therapy devices that are FDA approved are: Alpha Stim, MyoCalme, Stimtens Brand, Fisher Wallace and CES Ultra. There are others available online but many are not FDA approved and sold from other countries. Knock off CEC therapy devices that are sold from China, without undergoing FDA clearance include: Atang (often falsely named the Alpha Stim) & Lastek, also very similar. These models are typically cheaper but are not approved. Also, tDCS stimulation devices are often confused with CES therapy, these are not FDA cleared and are much simpler devices, really not much more than a battery with wires attached.

2. Are there CES therapy reviews for the device?

This is a very good way to find out what others think of the device and also, what their experience was like dealing with the company that sold it to them.

3. Are you going to be able to use the CES therapy device or cranial stimulator several days a week?

Think of this as you would a treadmill. Treadmills can be a great way to exercise but won't do a bit of good if you use them for a towel rack. The same applies to your CES therapy device, if you plan on buying one, make sure you are going to commit some time to use it.

4. Are there ongoing expenses with your CES therapy device?

CES therapy devices or electric cranial stimulators of course require an initial investment but another thing to consider are the ongoing costs? Do you need to replace electrodes often and, are they expensive if you do. Do you need to constantly purchase batteries on a weekly basis? These items can cost more than the unit itself over time. The MyoCalme CES therapy device does include a rechargeable battery if you are concerned about these ongoing costs.